Friday, August 17, 2012

I Win

“I can swim across the pool without floaties. Can you?” Noah tauntingly asks Riley.
“No, Mom said I have to use a noodle or floatie when I am in the big pool.”  Riley responds in a very matter of fact manner.
Fast forward two days and Riley is swimming in the pool without floaties, noodles or any other device. The essence of competition is overwhelming in my family. Years ago, Noah refused to trust arm floaties as a device that could provide some independence while in the water.
When his sister jumped in the pool with arm floaties, he quickly followed. He was unwilling to be shown up by his sister, and hastily put his faith in arm floaties to help him swim independently.
The competitive edge carries over to other activities as well. Noah successfully maneuvered across a climbing wall at the Kidspace Museum in Pasadena, California.
I kept asking, “Are you sure you don’t want to get down?”
He was firm in his response. “I will get to the end.”
While watching Noah, and waiting to save the day if he fell, I realize Riley is attempting to climb the wall. Initially, she struggled with the foot holds and hand holds, but eventually was able to hold herself on the climbing wall successfully. That is where her attempt to climb the wall ended. She quickly reverted to freak out mode.
"Get me down!" She squealed.
Needless to say, the spirit of competition drives my children to challenge each other to try new things. Luckily, Dean and I are always close by to rescue Noah or Riley if the challenge is a bit scary.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Family Night @ Lambeau Field


Football, fireworks, food, oh my!
Family night at Lambeau Field was a first for our family. It was Noah and Riley's first time attending a "so called" game. Okay, it was a scrimmage against other Packer players; however, it was the first time the kids had been inside the historical landmark without being guided by a tour guide.
We enjoyed the evening with 60,000 others who were there to soak in the beginning of football season. Noah asked way too many questions. Thankfully, Dean was able to answer each and every question. Riley took pictures with my cell phone camera and went to the bathroom fourteen times. Truthfully, she went to the bathroom four times, but it felt like we spent  half our time in the bathroom. I tried to convince her the lavatory was not the most exciting place, but when you have to go, you have to go.
We snuck out of  Lambeau a few minutes early to avoid getting lost in the crowd. Noah's competitive side emerged as he attempted to race Riley down the spiral walkway. Around and around we walked, jogged, or ran so we could watch the fireworks from across the street.
Success! Noah won his impromptu race and Riley was able to enjoy the fireworks.