Tuesday, February 19, 2013

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” - Socrates

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Birds & The Bees

“Molly is having a baby?” Questioned Noah.
“Yep!” I responded.
“How did the baby get inside Molly’s belly? “ Noah innocently inquired.
Oh boy…second grade and I am about to begin tackling the birds and bees conversation. How much do I share? How much do I hold back? Why now? It is eight-o-clock and time for bed. Can’t we read some stories and call it a day?
“Well, how babies get inside a mommy’s belly is complicated.” So far, so good…this conversation won’t be as difficult as I thought.
“I mean, does Molly just say she wants a baby in her belly and suddenly she has a baby in her belly?”
“Ummm, no.” Think, think, think. How am I going to explain this? When do they teach growth and development in school? Fifth grade? Fourth grade? Oh my, they teach growth and development in fourth grade. Noah is in second grade. How much do I tell him?
Gathering my scattered thoughts quickly, I respond with what I hope and pray is an appropriate response to Noah’s inquiry. “When a mommy and daddy are married and love each other, they talk about having a family. When they are ready to have a family, they say a prayer to God asking for help to have a baby. If they are healthy and lucky, they will be blessed with a baby.”
Fingers crossed, toes crossed, that my explanation is sufficient.
“Oh…. Is Molly going to have a boy or girl? What is she going to name her baby? Maybe she can name the baby Lucas or Jayson, if it is a boy?”
Like the snap of a finger, Noah moved on to the next question. Life as a seven year old is so sweet, so easy and so innocent.