Saturday, March 28, 2015

Life is a whirlwind.

I have put this blog on hold for a bit. Okay, I am kidding myself. This blog has been avoided for a long time. When I think of writing, I think of being a "truth teller". I read other women's blogs that seem to make the ups and downs of daily life with kids hilarious, yet honest. I haven't figured out how to be funny or honest about the ups and downs of life lately; therefore, I have avoided the blog.
As I process how to dive back into being honest about life, I decided to share a few pictures of our life. It has been a whirlwind ride since Christmas. We were lucky enough to travel and visit my dad, brother and his family during the Christmas holiday. We have not spent Christmas with my dad, brother and family since 2009. Needless to say, it was fun to be in a "snow free" zone in the middle of winter.
The pictures are sequenced appropriately... I think.
This is our attempt at a normal family picture.
This is a better representation of our life. 

Winter involved Dance Camp for Riley and weekly dance classes.

Weekends and Thursday nights were dedicated to basketball.

Plus, Dean was an assistant coach for the team.

The boys earned third place in the Hortonville Tournament.
Celebrating Dean at the Future 15 Young Professionals Dinner

3/27 was the recital; wrapping up all of Riley's dance lessons for the school year.

The girls' performance was fabulous.

Riley's assistant dance teacher.

Riley's dance teacher, Ms. Shay.

Riley is not shy on the stage.

Friends and classmates

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