Monday, June 8, 2015

The Silent Treatment

Welcome to my hysterical life.
Last night Riley had a bit of a crying, messy, sniffly meltdown because her beloved brother was sleeping with her "favorite" blanket. Noah has been sleeping with this fuzzy, red blanket for who knows how long. He wraps himself up like a burrito and falls asleep peacefully every night. Mind you, the blanket is mine. However, in reality, nothing is mine in this house. If the kids like something, they take the item for themselves. But, the blanket is mine. I received it from a student as a gift at Christmas, 2013.
Needless to say, I calmly and forcefully explained to Riley we would solve this problem in the morning. She was not thrilled with waiting until the morning, but she was too tired to argue. She was asleep in minutes.
Fast forward to this morning, I walk in Riley's room thinking she was asleep. To my surprise, she was awake, lying on her belly in the only speck of sunlight that happened to be streaming through the slightly open curtain/blind. My initial thought was how peaceful and lovely she seemed in her room. She was at peace, being still, enjoying some alone time.
I boldly walk into her room to find she is not at peace. She is giving me the silent treament. She happened to be hard at work writing on a whiteboard, "The silet tretment to Mom." Please forgive the spelling errors. She is a writer in progress.
This was not a peaceful, be still moment. This was a strategic manuever to get the blanket back from Noah.
My reaction was to laugh heartily at her ingenuity and creativity. She was not pleased.
My second reaction was to grab a picture taking device (camera, ipod, phone). At this point, I wanted to find the closest device because I was afraid she would erase the writing. The phone was located first.
Back up the stairs I race to find she had, indeed, erased her writing.
My third reaction was to help solve her problem. I located the red, fuzzy blanket in Noah's room and gave it to her to cherish and adore.
I still have not figured out how to negotiate with Noah the temporary change of blanket ownership.
To be continued...

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